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Really thought that would do something

(1 edit) (+1)

Fun game! Love it!


Amazing game, loved the mechanics!


This is great, well done!

(5 edits) (+1)

I wasn't aiming to get all the berries, I just wanted to see how fast I could complete the game... here's my time

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow... my personal best is 3:11.336, any short cuts to get a faster time?


Well, the best way is to go to and search for the game. Those mad lads have beaten it in under1:30! The best that I can say is A. die as little as possible. B. obviously don't get berries. C. try to plan your route so you don't have to think about where to go next. Check because there is at least one glitch that saves probably 5 seconds. That is my best advice. I might post a speedrun to show off some of the tricks. And a big one is reset if you don't get to the first red orb without deaths.


Under 1:30! That's really fast. Anyways thanks for the advice, I'll make sure to go to If I get a faster time I'll make sure to post it. 


Yeah! Good luck

Good job both of you! The speedrunning Discord server also has  many of the strats documented and explained.


Peack level design


This was such a fun time! thanks!!


Awesome game feels a bit like celeste hope it gets a full steam relese


Very fun game! It was a great challenge and I liked the berry puzzles. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Did I get all the berries?Also, is there any reward for beating the no hit version after going below the credits?


Yep! to my knowledge any way


This game is pretty hard, but it's fun


Here is part one and two of an all berry run. 

Part one:

Part two:


Hey, would you care if I requested this be put on cool math games? I think it would be fun to have where even more people would see it!

Yeah, sure!


There is a small bug where you can go through 2 spikes.

Still a very fun game!


such a cute artstyle! this game is so damn pleasing to the eyes and the gameplay is so smooth

(1 edit) (+1)

awesome lil game, I loved the music


What are the blue berries for? and the secret flower level?


Where is the secret flower level


This is the secret flower level.

Muy bueno!

(1 edit) (+1)

i already gave all my amazement on the map mod thingy by "rare" because i thought it was their game, well all that should have gone to you (and whoever else worked on it), sorry about that

anyway, i kinda love and hate that jumps like this are possible xD
(there is a picture here, idk why it doesnt appear)
overall, very fun experience!
(i wanted to get the last berry but i fell through the wind thingy all the way back to the begining xD)


This was so fun to play. The mechanics, mapping, and increasing challenge - all great. Ty!

(3 edits) (+1)

I experienced some small impute delays randomly, which might not sound like much, but when precision is needed, it makes it a lot harder. (It might just be my computer though...). But still, fun game!

I did get stuck on this part


At the start of the level (on top) go left. It's really hard to notice and honestly they should've made it easier to spot. Still good game tho :D


Thanks. Finished the game with all 9 berries!


i also got stuck on that part and have no idea how to solve it


omg, this is epic, im just gonna go make a remake :D


holy shit, this was really fun. I hope it will end up a full game like celeste


The BEST pixel 2D platformer!


great! loved it! got all berries, very fun


Very fun! I loved the squash and stretch! Although, the physics and collisions did seem a little inconsistent and off sometimes, though extra points for doing in PICO-8 :D


I like the mechanic, good game!


Thats so good!

(2 edits) (+3)



Really good game. Does the sword in the sky have to do with beating the whole game without dying?


This is simple but pretty fun, it gets super difficult as well and you have to be clever sometimes which is cool.


I really enjoyed this. It was short and sweet yet still difficult and fun. The controls functioned well and the mechanics felt precise.


Amazing, perfect game! Great mechanics and level design: keeping track of and navigating around where I am currently, alongside where I would teleport to (especially with moving teleport orbs) and how I would need to navigate after the teleport, chained up to three times in rapid succession, was just at the edge of being satisfying to nail without crossing over into being impossible to do. It is short but I think it was the perfect length for a Sunday afternoon, and the polish really shines. 

I found 8 berries plus one on the bonus stage for a total of 9; is that all of them, or did I miss any? 


Thank you! And yes, you got all the berries.


Really nice game! The puzzles meet the teleportation mechanic well and create a challenging and satisfying experience.

(1 edit) (+2)

This is great! I love the art and sound, definitely getting some Celeste vibes. The puzzles are at a good difficulty level and really make you think. It was hard to get used to jumping with the c for me, so if you could add more input methods like WASD and jumping with the up arrow, that would be great.

Sadly WASD is not possible with Pico as far as I know


Great execution!  I love the combination of puzzle and skill-based elements, and the difficulty level feels just right.


Good game design. It is difficult but when the solution is found... wow, it is a great moment!

(3 edits) (+2)

This game is very cool and has a lot of great ideas and mechanics! It's very complex, especially for a Pico-8 game, and it has a lot of potential! Great job, I had loads of fun beating it, it was a great challenge. :D 

I may just play it again to try for all of the berries.





You missed a berrie ;)

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